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lundi 10 janvier 2011
Rihanna and Elvis tied in the UK singles charts!
Rihanna and Elvis both have something in common.
What is it you ask?
They both have had 5 #1 singles in the UK that charted for consecutive years. Woo-hoo! Congratulations girl!
Thank you Whats My Name. - Lady
Eva Longoria poses sexy for Beso in Las Vegas
Eva Longoria is really trying hard to make her Las Vegas restaurant Beso work. Beso, which Longoria owns a third of, is $5.7 million in debt and filed for bankruptcy this past weekend.
She tweeted her sexiness above captioned!
“Hi everyone! I’m back! In Vegas at Beso doing a photo shoot! More pictures to come!”
Might as well do a photo shoot, I wouldn’t clean up after. You can advertise come eat on Eva-cooch smeared tables, you will love what you smell!
Hey if you gotta get out of debt, you do what you got to do. – LADY